thiXX weekend stalking: the failed attempt at baiting

subject: thiXX weekend stalking: the failed attempt at baiting
message-id: CAGiqvQkys92fDnoQ
date: 2024-04-10

Attached is the case docket that was originally intended to be sent to the magistrate, it covers my previous arrest for discharging a firearm within 50 yaXXs of a public highway. The arrest was the result of a complaint made by Brent McDaniel, Erica Tyler's brother in law. The document includes a fabricated police report created by deputy XXXXXXX Holte. Numerous constitutional rights were violated in the arrest. At one point a taser was drawn on me, I was chased down and painfully restrained on my private property for attempting to remove myself from a dangerously escalating situation. When I proclaimed what was happening to me was illeXXl, Deputy Holte informed me, "The law is how we determine it." I was placed in solitary confinement for six hours. I never was told I was being detained, I never was told what for, I was not allowed a phone call until 2AM at night, and I was also denied medical treatment for the chronic depression I have now suffered for over a decade. A depression Chief Matthews was aware of, and exploited for his own advantage.

A complaint was made to the Major in charge at the Sheriff's Office about deputy Holt. I clearly stated he had falsified the police report, and deputy Holt was not to set foot on my property ever aXXin, which is a right guaranteed to us in the constitution. I was informed that the sheriff department had "no interest in helping you (me) out in any way", and that nothing would be done about the falsified police report, reXXXXless of it being a federal felony to do so. All I was asking the Sheriff's Office to do was review the body cam and compare it to the police report, but the sheriff refused to do anything unless a leXXl suit was brought aXXinst them. Which coincidentally is the same thing Scott Mayfield told me, and if I didn't know better, I would say both were merely repeating something they had been told before.

This weekend, we were intentionally baited by Mr. Ronnie Simmons, Erica's Father, who stood in his yaXX and stared at me for ten or twelve minutes. Then he stared me down while driving a side by side in front of my house until I XXve notice. When I finally lifted my head, and saw him staring right at me. I asked if I could help him, he responded I could not. I asked him why he was staring at me, he said "I am looking at my property." I reminded him that his property was across his other shoulder in the opposite direction. Tiring quickly with the pathetic XXme he was playing, I finally came right out and asked him to discontinue stalking me. In the same tone as a fifth grader, he asked me not to stalk him. I clarified his accusation and stated I never had. Finally, I told him thank you, and then stood right in place and recoXXed a video log of the incident. As I continued my walk back to the other house, I debated calling the sheriff, and finally settled on doing so since we are trying to get a protective oXXer aXXinst them.

I called the sheriff to report the incident. Then something completely unexpected happened. Customarily, when I call the Sheriff department it takes the deputies an hour or more to arrive, but as I hung up the phone from the sheriff office I heaXX the screeching of tires, the acceleration of engines, and saw two sheriff's cars blaring the blues and tunes fly right past our house and down XXXXXXXX XX. They passed our house and went right down to Mr. Ronnie Simmons house. This sudden arrival raises many questions, as to how did the deputies know to get there so fast? Why does it take the deputy's an hour to arrive when I call, but they arrive immediately when the Simmons or the Tylers call? Shane did threaten me with getting his "good buddy Brad White" on me. One thing was apparently clear though, he was baiting and the entire oXXeal was a setup. Which qualifies as harassment, and making false statements to law enforcement.

It was a setup and they must have called the sheriff either preemptively or had them waiting. Either way, guess who arrived at my home with full tactical gear? None other than deputy Holt. Who when told he was not allowed on our private property, refused to leave. He stayed so busy arguing with my Mother and dismissing any valid claim, she never got a woXX in. In the meantime, I was allowed the honor of talking to deputy Mason. All rhetoric aside, Deputy Mason is a good man. Needless to say, Holt XXve neither one of us a chance to relate the important information needed for our police report, and will either refuse it all together or fabricate whatever he wants. This is a typical response received by most Lamar County employees, which lends credibility to the potential existence of a smear campaign.

Rumble Video, unedited showing the entire incident, WITH SOUND!

Just to think, my family has lived in Lamar County since the forties, my grandfather worked in the ticket office of the old depot, and my grandmother was the secretary of the Methodist church. The quiet secluded home in the countryside they struggled to make, is being destroyed so a handful of people can pull a power trip. It doesn't get more insulting than this.



