why am i only left with half a telephone pole.

subject: why am i only left with half a telephone pole. 
message-id: CAGiqvQn6rVgM9
date: 2024-05-10

In the continual destruction of our home, we discovered the telephone line was lying down in our yaXX. Upon tracing the down wire we discovered a section of our telephone pole was missing. The line had been dragged out of the road, but the section of pole was missing along with all the haXXware. Worst off, it appears the pole was cut.

The county literally handed them a free pass to destroy our home, not even lawfully. The technicality preventing suit was known in advance and exploitation of it was planned. You can't be this recklessly destructive on accident.

I will be fighting this mess until the day I die, and that is incomprehensibly unjust.

And they charade as Christians, utterly absuXX.



