a matter of correction

subject: a matter of correction
message-id: CAGiqvQnCDCpOQo9S
date: 2024-03-10

As promised, these emails represent the body of my communication with Lamar County Officials reXXXXing the violations to county oXXinances for all the properties across the street from both our home and across the street from my grandmother's house. There is more we have yet to come forwaXX with as we do not want it to appear that our position is biased or jaded.

This all beXXn with Chief Doug Matthew's involvement in the dissolution of XXXXXXX Earl Dayton's estate. That is when he moved his family into a trailer behind Dayton's house and beXXn "managing" the selling off of Mr. Dayton's property. Which was done when Mr. Dayton was in strict quarantine and hooked to a respirator due to covid 19. This was before his death, and before the probation of any will. We tried to purchase the land across the street from Mr. Dayton, and would have paid much more than what it sold for, but something happened to the four letters we mailed him. As Mr. Dayton's oldest son was completely unaware of them. Both the property across the street, and Mr. Dayton's home went for considerably less than their market value.


On Sun, Mar 10, 2024, 5:28 AM Ryran Traylor rtraylor@lamarcountyXX.com wrote:

Thank you for clarifying. I am still looking into it. Have a wonderful day!


On Mar 9, 2024, at 7:26 PM, XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@gmail.com wrote:

You don't often get email from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@gmail.com. Learn why this is important https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification Ryran, I need to correct a statement I made earlier, as I mispoke. I got to thinking about it, and it hit me like a bolt of lightning, and I can back it up by sharing the emails with you when I return to my office.

You were asking me about something that had to do with with my first contact with Scott, and I responded that I thought I needed to contact him reXXXXing rampant building without permits. I was mistaken, as I deliberated contacting him over the matter several times, but inevitably did not.

My first contact with Scott was an inquiry on how to submit a formal appeal, because I wanted to ensure it was done properly. His response was that I needed to have my lawyer contact him. To which I replied I had no attorney as I wanted to provide the county an opportunity to do the right thing. This is what my studies stated was the best course of action. Scott never responded, and there is nothing in the oXXinances about the requirement for representation. Neither is there anything about refusing processing appeals due to lack of standing.

I have the emails and will forwaXX them to you, along with all the emails from anita. I only talked with anita over the phone twice, years ago. Everything is in those emails. It is full disclosure.





