Entity Relation Map Diagram
Diagram explaining relation between entities.
Entity Relational Diagrams: Display the cardinality of association between two entities.
Basically, it is a graphical means of displaying the strength of the relationship between two entities. We use the term “entities”, because all sorts of things can share a relation to one another. Such as fuel to cars, or apples to apple tress. The diagram also describes whether the relationship is mandatory or not, meaning whether one can exist without the other. When applied to human relationships, the later would describe whether another individual’s involvement would have occurred without the other’s involvement. Last but not least, ERDs display the degree to which the wo entities are related.
The cardinality of the first entity with respect to the second. Whether the relationship confers identity on a ‘child’ entity. The cardinality of the second entity with respect to the first. 1
The reason for our employment of the ERD is to show how everyone involved shares a close assocation with everyone else. This is why from the beginning we associated the swindle as a form of mild or civil racqueteering, because each member took part in an organized effort to profit off of the intentional infliction of malice. Which considering most of the individuals are local officials who abused their office in order to grant certain benefits to another member, it is a definition we stand beside. It was more than just local government corruption, it was organized and only made possible through a conservative group effort.
%%{ init: { 'theme': 'neutral' } }%% erDiagram abernathy["A. B. Abernathy"] { Position Factor "Connecting Factor" Action Orchestrator } doug["D. Matthews"] { Position Fireman "County Fire Chief" Action PrimeActor "Most at fault." } matt["M. Dayton"] { Position Executor "Neighbors Son" Action Conspirator "Fully Involved, Hateful for the sake of hating." } dayton["W.E. Dayton"] { Position Neighbor Action None "Ailment gave Opportunity" } josh["J. Sappington"] { CoPosition RuralWaterAssoc "Head of the Rural Water Association" Position Realtor "Realtor at Team One" Action Conspirator "Deeply personal betrayal" } tylers["E. Tyler && R. Simmons"] { Position Developer "Transfored rural to suburban" Action Destroy "Abernathy's Thugs" } Anita["A. Buice"] { Position Zoning "County Zoning Administrator" Action Conspirator "Refused to enforce the law, Violated the law" } jeanie["J. Haddock"] { Position Assessor "County Tax Assessor" Action CoverUp "Online Property Tax Records" } scott["S. Mayfield"] { Position CoAttorney "Current County Attorney" Action Lawlessness "Planned it all" } ryran["R. Traylor"] { Position CommissionChair "Chairman of the County Commissioners" Action Conspirator "Knew everything, blocked all attempts to stop it." } truman["T. Boyle"] { Position CoCommissioner "Commissioner of Lamar County" Action Conspirator "Actively took part in the planning" } abernathy }|--o{ doug : Lead tylers ||--|{ abernathy : Recruited doug }|..|o matt : Coerced doug |o--o{ tylers : Alliance matt }|--|{ dayton : Represented abernathy ||--|{ josh : CoverUp abernathy ||..|| jeanie : Influenced abernathy }|--|{ ryran : CoverUp scott }|--|{ ryran : Coverup jeanie |o--o{ Anita : Influenced doug }o--o| scott : Involved truman |o--o{ scott : Partners truman }|-o{ doug : Related
Type | Relation |
Solid | Directly related |
Dash | Indirectly related |
Descriptor | zero or one | one or many | optional or mandatory |
ring and dash | zero | one | optional |
dash and dash | one | one | mandatory |
ring and crow | zero | many | optional |
dash and crow | one | many | mandatory |