Current State
Light overview on the state of things.
The biggest mistake of our adversaries is they assumed once they had firmly stabbed us in the back and kicked us in the teeth, we would run away. When we have no intention on ever stopping, not after what they have done. You don’t just go around destroying everything a person has worked their entire life for, and walk away without some scrapes and bruises of their own. It’s not like they could ever justify what they did to anyone anyway. They went too far, and they are too hateful for that.
It is out of the scope of this light overview to correctly address what legal standing is, because the reason why some issue is considered to possess legal standing is dependent on the specific situation the issue exists in. In summary, it is enough to say, because our farm/home is held within our Grandmother’s estate, and it is not concretely set in stone how our grandmother’s estate is to be settled, there is no way for the courts to be absolutely certain who will possess the property in the future. So, until the estate is settled, our family is unable to bring up the issue in a court of law.
Now, this does present a perfect segway into what could be a potential legal solution, which is referred to as tortious interference in another’s inheritance. Which is the closest thing we have found on the books, and it makes sense. After all, there has to be some mechanism to handle these situations. If there was not, then every time someone passed away, developers would be granted a free pass to violate the law as much as they desired by simply purchasing the property next door, and it hardly seems likely this was the intent.
Since it appears this was planned in advance, probably what happened was Scott Mayfield discovered our property was held in an estate way back in 2016 when we were opposing the solar power plant. He then informed Abernathy and Doug, but convoluted the set of circumstances in order to make himself look intelligent and acquire new clients. So, rather than explain why we lacked standing, he made it appear as if we were somehow liable for misconceived damages. Then when Mr. Dayton started to show signs of physically deteriorating; Abernathy, and Doug got with scott and began to work out how to best take advantage of a great opportunity to financially profit while seeking retribution for damages that cannot be quantified and for which we are unculpable for.
Dismissing our allegations with an attempt to explain away the events as merely a matter of individuals trying to acquire capital for which we just happened to stand in the way, does not account for nearly half of the events that took place, nor does it explain why so much effort and resources were invested in ventures which gave no return on investment other than inflicting harm on our family.
This is how crooks ruin people, they don’t just steal from you, they steal the truth from everyone, and stack the deck against you. They know they could never win if they didn’t find some way to cheat or fight dirty. Besides, concepts such as honor, dignity, and integrity are foreign concepts to them. Which is what makes them dangerous to the general public, by being inflated by self righteousness there is no limit to how low they are willing to go. We can say this, because targeting a man’s home and family out of shear spite, and then rigging the system against him, is pretty close to rock bottom.
Since a crooked attorney is actively involved and conspiring with local government officials who are invested in ensuring justice will never be done and the law are perverted in order to favor a hateful minority. Acquisition of justice will have to be a very slow and cold process. Our reputation has been smeared publicly, and obtaining reliable legal counsel has remained quite challenging from the beginning anyways. So, other informal channels to obtain some sense of justice will need to be explored.
We have a lot of documentation, many unquestionable acts were undoubtedly unmoral in nature, and several of them are without question illegal. So, what we have is a body of knowledge and an experience. The first amendment grants us all the freedom in the world to share that experience with others. Which we have done, and will continue to do. We would not wish what was done to us on anyone, by talking about it and mentioning those involved, we can hopefully to prevent it from happening again.
Libel only occurs when someone intentionally makes a statement that is not truthful in order to tarnish the reputation of another individual. There is nothing morally wrong with sharing your experiences of someone who knowing violated the law in order to inflict harm, and if by rare chance you make a mistake, as long as you correct it, then you are not liable for performing libel. Numerous websites provide the opportunity to report scam artists, corrupt government officials, and unethical business practitioners. Professional organizations are invested in protecting the integrity of the organization by weeding out members who refuse to follow ethical standards, which provides another opportunity. Not all, but one or two of the individuals who targeted our family, even have jobs that enforce a code of ethics in public relationships. These individuals can be reported without fear of retaliation, because all that needs to be related is the truth.
By far simply getting the word out and informing as many people as we can about our experience will have the greatest impact on our situation.